'인종갈등'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 나치와 파쇼

나치와 파쇼


A great deal of human history has been a record of antagonism and conflict between groups. Indeed, the most terrible atrocities committed by humans have often not been the acts of criminals or madmen but of ordinary, loyal citizens acting in the presumed interests of their group against another group.
The immense advances in science and technology during the past few centuries have not diminished the intensity and frequency of intergroup hatreds and violence. In fact, the growth of military and political power has introduced a scale of massacre and destruction that makes the efforts of previous centuries to achieve peace seem modest by comparison.
Yet these are still exceptional events. It is only under particular circumstances that intergroup animosities erupt into open violence and killing. Underlying these periodic eruptions are patterns of intergroup dislike, resentment, and discrimination that are all too common. Prejudiced attitudes and beliefs whether national, tribal, racial, religious - pervade human social life. They are remarkable not in their existence, but in their sheer cruelty, the ease with which they can be aroused, and the tenacity with which they are held.


03' 중앙대 <2003 모의 학업적성평가>




가장 잔인한 방법으로 국가를 통치하는 사람들....이는 증오와 적개심으로, 집단간의 분쟁을 유발해 그들로부터의 관심을 떨어트린다. 그들이 예상했건 예산하지 못했건 그러한 분쟁은 작게는 개인간의 문제로 부터 지역간 국가간 문제로 까지, 발전된 경험이 있다. 나치가 그랬다.